Monday, January 07, 2008

After years of getting an earful, you just sort of get used to it. That doesn't mean getting an immunity to it though. It's like.. for the case of immunity, the words goes in one ear, slips through the brain and exits the other ear. Getting used to it is like, the nags go in one ear, processes a little, just a wee bit, in the brain, then exits the other ear. The latter does kinda dampens the mood a little. Ah well. Parents. You truly never can satisfy them.

On another note, shall we? Went out with huijia and ziqin yesterday. Jia's laptop's hard disk crashed, so we went sim lim to look for one. I wasn't even supposed to join them, just that when jia called me to enquire about internal hard disk price range (which, i have no clue about), she conveniently asked me to tag along. Since my agenda for the rest of the day was to spend quality time with my bed, i thought why not. I could also check out the prices of external hard disks.

We went burger king for lunch 1st before going hard disk shopping. Jia was doing her usual gossiping with ziqin. i felt a little off there, like kind of intruding. Some of the stuffs they were talking about, i mean, don't they mind my presence? True, they weren't talking 'bout any wrong stuffs, or planning some uprising against the government, but, i don't know. Just feel erking weird to hear them gossip, though it was kind of interesting, lolzers!

Oh yeah, before that, huijia and ziqin were walking in front of me talking when ziqin suddenly just turn around and asked me something. The moment itself was quite off enough, but the what she asked me was like, damn 'off-er'. I thought it was huijia who told her about it, but apparenly, everyone already knew about it. Okay, she said not everyone, just most. I was like, what's the difference?

I had no idea that this nugget of information was known to everyone. Talk about living in oblivion. It's kind of troubling to me.
